Note: I’m shifting back to a once-per-week digest. All the links and commentary will be sent out on Fridays. See you then!
PFAS “forever chemicals” persist in the environment because they are fluorinated, and fluorine inhibits microbial metabolisms. Nice review on approaches to engineer microbes to break down forever chemicals. See also: “How 3M Discovered, then Concealed, the Dangers of Forever Chemicals.” The article will make you feel sick.
“…inhibition of SGLT2 has an indirect senolytic effect” by helping immune cells kill off old cells. See also “the promise of SGLT2 inhibitors” in Works in Progress.
High-quality genomes for three common cotton plants; useful for future breeding.
Weave Bio raises $10M for its automated software that “accelerates the preparation, writing, and review process for [investigational new drug]” applications.
Quantum computers for drug discovery, by the excellent Robert F. Service.
Tardigrade proteins protect microbes from desiccation—useful for future Mars plans. See also: “Why Nothing Can Grow on Mars” in Asimov Press.