Solid list! I might add Frank H. Westheimer's landmark 1987 Science paper "Why Did Nature Choose Phosphates?" since it explained how phosphates' unique ability to act as a reversible on/off switch through phosphorylation made them nature's chosen mechanism for regulating proteins and controlling cellular signaling.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

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So I was re-reading this today and the 250 °C bacteria struck me as implausible. Looking into it more, those results were called into question shortly after being published (in 1984): https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/6700703/

Later papers in the 2000s had good evidence for prokaryotes growing at 121 °C (which is still super cool!) but I think 250 °C is out of the question on biochemical grounds (stability of amino acids and ATP)


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This is such a great idea for a blog. I tend to read about health from a more big-picture, epidemiological/sociological point of view. I am looking forward to falling in love with the science behind it all over the next month ❤️

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