Thank you for perpetuating the craft, Niko!

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On writing topics that are difficult to replicate by AI: what do you think about conceptual writing? Novel mental models, frameworks, or "ways of thinking."

You describe that fact-based writing or reporting is very AI-able, but ideas less so (e.g. the awesome examples you provided)

Ideas, concepts, frameworks, etc... Is the ability to generate and write these among the core skills fostered by the Writes?

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Orwell is an interesting case study because one can easily identify clear biographical origins for each of his books. While he makes some of these relationships explicit, such as in the titles of "Down and Out in Paris and London" or "Burmese Days", others only become obvious after stumbling through some prose and reading his Wikipedia page.

Perhaps scientific writing and nonspecific journalism are endangered, but I feel confident that writing which describes human experience or provides information relevant to a particular interest group (geographic, ideological, professional, etc.) will continue to proliferate. You touched on this when suggesting original reporting.

I first encountered "Why I Write" in one of the unlicensed print stands that seem to have rapidly spread across London. I'm happy others are finding it.

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