The Most Abundant Protein
The Cell is a Bag of Molecules
Antivenom Renaissance
On Bacterial Nanotubes
On the Ethics of Eggs
The Circuitry in Our Cells
Genetic Design in 7 Experiments
Metabolic Simulator
Engineered Cell Therapies
Making Lenti
Minimizing Cell Burden
Compilers for Biology
Why Engineer Biology?
Making Better Gene Therapies
Central Dogma in 7 Experiments
The Biotech Digest No. 6
The Biotech Digest No. 5
A Beginner’s Guide to Mammalian Genetic Design
Asimov Labs
Medicine-Making Tools
The Biotech Digest No. 4
The Biotech Digest No. 3
The Biotech Digest No. 2
The Biotech Digest No. 1
The Biorisk Question
Computer-Aided Design of Biology
AI-Designed Promoters
AAV Foundations
GitHub is to Code as ___ is to DNA
Lift Off